Report Abuse

We take abuse of our service very seriously. It is our policy to disable access to or remove content that it believes in good faith may infringe the copyrights of third parties and discontinue service to users who repeatedly make such content available or otherwise violate our Terms of Service.

Any contents that are removed are added to a blacklist filter (based on md5 hash) to prevent the exact same file from being uploaded again.

Please note that we do not host any files on our server. We only act as a conduit for users to upload files to multiple hosting sites. As such, you should be aware that we cannot delete files on other file hosts such as, etc. You must contact these hosts in order to get the specific file deleted from their servers.

If you believe that your intellectual property rights have been infringed upon by one of our users, Please use the following form to report any copyright infringements ensuring you supply all the following information.

MirrorAce is anxious to optimize the process of taking down files that violate copyright. Therefore MirrorAce is offering a takedown API. For further information, or to get access, Contact Us.

Copyright © 2025 - MirrorAce
Created with and Caffeine